Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

We never have to tell a patient the advantages of teeth whitening. In this day and age when a picture can be taken anytime, anywhere, we are ever reminded of imperfection and flaws. The most casual photo will cause a patient to run to the store for the latest in whitening or to call our office for details on how to "make it look better". A whiter smile does seem like a healthier smile and when that happens, anyone is more likely to be less self-conscious and more secure with speaking and smiling beautifully. There are definite advantages to a whiter smile!

There can, however, be disadvantages to the process as well. The most common is the possibility of sore gums and teeth from the bleach. This is usually a short term discomfort that disappears when the bleach use is discontinued. Also, because not all your teeth are the same natural color, it is wise to have the whitening done initially by your dentist. Your dentist can review with you how differently placed teeth, like your molars as compared to your front teeth, have to be treated differently to obtain optimal, natural-looking whiteness. Over the counter whitening products have become very sophisticated and are certainly worth a try, but read the labels and do a little research to decide for yourself what is likely to be the best for you. Don't be afraid to ask your dentist as well. You need to know how long the whitener will last and cost in terms of office visits and home maintenance.

Sometimes, because the teeth are simply too stained, it is a good idea to go to veneers or crowns instead of a whitening product. Of course bleaching is going to be the cheapest solution, but don't assume it will be the total solution. You may be a candidate for a blended plan of veneers and whitening.

You can certainly help the whitening process by watching what goes into your mouth. Smoking, chewing tobacco, coffee, and tea are guaranteed staining agents. There are some pharmaceuticals that are just as bad. See your dentist twice a year and be honest and up front in discussing the whitening solutions you are thinking of.